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Super challenging but rewarding even if you don’t get through the 11th wave. Super fun, you need to be hands on to upgrade the right things at the right time to have the best chance.


Fun game! Seemed impossible at first, but once I understood the mechanics better and got a good road layout I was able to beat level 11.

I didn't realise at first that levelling up towers between runs only raises the cap for stat upgrades, and couldn't work out why things didn't seem to be getting any stronger. Does upgrading drillers do anything?

Congrats on making it through! I would have really liked to have included some kind of tutorial, I might come back to this project in the future to rework balancing and make everything a bit clearer!

The driller’s damage is how much money they make per ‘attack’, and the fire rate is how fast that occurs. Upgrading range currently does nothing haha Something I’d like to fix if I come back to it!


I like these style of games and I love everything about the feel of the cutscenes after the first defeat. I think the game has huge potential, I just wish winning wasn't such a long process. Too many enemies spawning in slowly and not alot left to do when all towers are set up and done. 

Thank you! I definitely agree. I spent a lot of time going back and forth on balancing right up until submitting, definitely one of the biggest game dev problems I’ve come across so far!